Do you dread conflict in the workplace? Is having to sort out tensions and disagreements your worst nightmare?

Don’t be spooked. Read on to discover our ten top tips to lay those ghosts to rest and restore harmony in your team. No tricks, but they should work a treat. 

  1. Accept that conflict will always arise at some point in the workplace. Even if the issues seem petty to you, don’t dismiss them. Take the straightforward approach: a conflict has arisen and needs to be dealt with. Avoiding the problem won’t make it go away – it will just get worse, and probably come back to haunt you. 
  2. Work on changing your mindset: conflict can be positive if well-handled, leading to creative problem-solving, stronger working relationships, better performance and increased motivation. 
  3. If the conflict is making you angry or emotional, take a step back and calm down before you tackle it. 
  4. Take the time to listen to all sides of the story in a non-judgemental way. Focus on the facts rather than the emotional responses to them – but always acknowledge how people are feeling. 
  5. Ask open questions to ensure the issues are fully explored and people are given the chance to have their say. 
  6. Collaborate with those involved on coming up with solutions – make sure everyone understands that this may result in some compromise but try to ensure the end result is ‘win-win’ with everyone feeling their concerns have been addressed, acknowledged and responded to. 
  7. Don’t take issues at face value – the problem may seem straightforward to solve, but in some cases will be symptomatic of deeper underlying issues that need to be addressed such as unclear roles, lack of training or poor communications. 
  8. Aim to find common ground, focusing on shared values and goals in the team. 
  9. If any criticism is directed at you, don’t take it personally: use it as an opportunity for personal growth and development.  
  10. Where necessary, remind everyone of the organisation’s policies and expectations when it comes to behaviour in the workplace. 

As a line manager, it’s crucial to develop conflict resolution skills. This prevents issues festering and getting out of control and will help to ensure a positive and productive working environment. As part of an ongoing conflict management plan (and to avoid future nightmares) hold regular team meetings to encourage open discussion and ensure you have an open door policy so team members feel able to approach you if conflicts are arising. 

You may find the following useful: 

Less stress: strategies to ease workplace pressure for you and your team. 

Team meetings that work: 14 questions for quick wins and creative collaboration. 

Micromanaging: why we do it, why we shouldn’t – and how to stop. 


Developing Winning Teams 

Leadership Skills Development 

Managing and Appraising PerformanceÂ