Home / Impellus ILM Assessment Team services

Impellus ILM Assessment Team services

The ILM-accredited Assessment Team at Impellus is here to support you throughout your studies. Below you will find a wide range of information including FAQs, our terms and conditions, links to useful resources and contact details.

Frequently asked questions

Browse our frequently asked questions to find out all you need to know about timescales, assignment writing, referencing sources, using objective evidence and many other key topics such as plagiarism and submissions.

Registration and timescales

Assignment writing

Referencing source material

Plagiarism and AI

Submission process

Procedures, terms and conditions

Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with our procedures, terms and conditions. You will find a useful glossary and important information about what’s included in your ILM package, feedback and how long you have to complete your studies.

Learner timelines

Download your learner timeline to guide you throughout your ILM studies and help you stick to a workable schedule.

Other resources

Our 'how to pass notes' are an invaluable guide to maximising your chances of achieving your ILM Award. You can also download PDF versions of our FAQs and procedures, terms and conditions.

Contact us

  • Email us at assessors@impellus.com at any time. 
  • Phone on 01727 790790 between 9.00am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. 
  • Book a video call via the ‘Schedule a video call’ tab in the Impellus Business Centre. 
  • Live chat with us from the Impellus Business Centre to reach us instantly during office hours. 

Our full terms and conditions can be found on the Impellus website. Any complaints will be dealt with under the Impellus Complaints Policy.