Austin Wedge leads the Impellus Customer Experience Team and is one of the Company’s Mental Health Champions. Find out what he finds most rewarding about his work – and most challenging. 

What’s your main role at Impellus? 

As the Customer Experience Manager at Impellus, my primary role involves ensuring our customers receive exceptional service throughout their journey with us. This includes overseeing the quality of our customer interactions, gathering and analysing customer feedback, and implementing improvements to enhance the overall customer experience. Additionally, the marketing team is an integral part of the Customer Experience Team, ensuring consistent and effective communication at every touchpoint with our customers.  

What do you find most rewarding about your work? 

The most rewarding aspect of my work is witnessing the direct impact our services have on our customers' professional growth and their organisations' performance. It's incredibly fulfilling to receive positive feedback and know that our efforts have helped leaders and managers make significant improvements in their roles.  

What’s most challenging? 

The most challenging aspect of my role is ensuring consistency and quality across a diverse customer base while tailoring our approach to meet the unique needs of each organisation. Balancing these needs requires continuous adaptation and a deep understanding of various business sectors.  

Briefly describe a typical day or week. 

A typical week for me involves analysing customer feedback, strategising with my team on ways to improve the customer experience, and coordinating with the marketing team to ensure our communications are engaging and effective at every customer touchpoint. I also focus on understanding customer needs and addressing any concerns through indirect interactions, ensuring their experience with Impellus is smooth and beneficial.  

What single piece of advice would you give someone to ensure they get the most out of their training with Impellus? 

To maximise the benefits of your training with Impellus, actively engage with the material and participate in discussions. Applying what you learn to real-world scenarios in your role will help solidify your knowledge and demonstrate tangible improvements in your work and your organisation's performance.  

Meet the rest of the Impellus team.