Twitter can hold the key to many business opportunities. We’re using it to open a new window into the Impellus management training experience.

Twitter is providing Impellus with the opportunity to engage with its customers and those interested in Leadership and Management training in a whole new way. We’re now able to share the interactive learning of our training courses with a wide audience through social interaction.

An opportunity for Impellus is to share action shots from our management training courses and give an insight into what we’re all about. We’re tweeting real-time action shots of our trainers delivering courses, Managers getting involved in training activities and images of our management training environments to bring the Impellus experience to life on a broader scale.

So to continue sharing the Impellus experience with those who haven’t been on our courses yet, here’s ten of our favourite leadership and management training snaps from across the UK in 2014.

If you would like to follow us on Twitter you can find us at @ImpellusUK to see all the latest pictures, blog updates and management training course information. You can also follow us on Linked-in.